Updates from the world of medicine
for readers of the book
Dear Readers,
On this page you will find links to interesting topics and news from the world of medicine.
This page is intended for those of you who find the book interesting and would like to broaden and enrich your knowledge.
This update page will be updated from time to time with additional links and you are most welcome to keep track of the new items!
Promising Innovations
In the near future
a painless injection

The Israeli company NanoPass technologies, has invented a tiny needle for injections and inoculations. It is 0.6 mm and the tips are made of silicone crystal “slices” ( a chemical element which has, since the forties, had multiple medical uses).
The hollow “microneedles” will be used for giving shots to people of all ages, for medication and inoculations. They make it possible to also inject denser substances under the skin such as: creams, local anesthetics and anti-allergies. And primarily, these microneedles will reduce the fear of injection and shots.
Dear children, this microneedle is due to be marketed in Israel before the end of 2019. You can breathe in relief, smile and relax. At last there is a solution - no need to fear injections. So pleased !
Photos above by hum_snap, illion Photos - Shutterstock.com

Yellow & Granny
Pets Protect
Children’s Health
At the Gothenburg University in Sweden, a study of 1200 children between the ages of seven and nine was performed.
The study examined the exposure of these children to animals and checked if they suffered from allergies or asthma.
Dr. Bill Hesselmar who headed the research, claims that according to his findings, it is important that infants be exposed to dust and germs in the first year of their lives, because over-cleanliness may increase the tendency to asthma or allergies.
Therefore, every pet dog or cat, reduces the chance of a child suffering from these maladies by 20%, compared to children who were not exposed to animals. Now children you can (perhaps) persuade your parents more easily, to have a pet dog or cat at home, or maybe both.

Luck the cat
Children Care for Pets’ Health

Dogs can get Flu
In summer and in winter we take our dog out for a walk in the morning and evening for it to relieve itself. In winter the cold slows down physiological processes in the body, which means that everything in the body works more slowly. Protection of the immune system may be weaker, and the dog is exposed to winter flu viruses .
There are a number of things you can do to prevent that, especially if it’s a cold wet evening walk:
Avoid walking on wet pavements
Dress your dog warmly especially if the dog is small
Wipe his wet paws when you come back home
Dry your wet dog in a warm area.
Do not wash your dog in winter
Don’t trim his fur, it serves as a warm protection in winter
Brush the dog’s fur to air it and this also helps them get warm.
Cats and dogs brush their teeth
What happens to cats and dogs when their owners are not aware of the importance of the health of their mouths and teeth?
Cats and dogs may suffer from accumulation of plaque, loss of teeth, pain and discomfort as well as a bad breath.
Cats do suffer from dental disease and common viruses, which cause inflamed gums, which are often only discovered when the cat’s physical state deteriorates.
So for those who have a cat or a dog, it is important to be aware of the importance of your pets’ dental health.
Brush your teeth and be sure to brush your cat and dog’s teeth too.
Food Allergy
Spring arrives bringing various allergies with it. Not only people suffer from allergies, but cats and dogs are exposed to this too.
Do you remember what an allergy is?
When the immune system fails, there is imbalance of the system and it evidently happens to cats and dogs too.
What happens when a dog has an allergy?
Allergy to food in often expressed in dogs in a very strong itch or they might lick their stomach, their armpit, their face or paws incessantly. It may also cause recurring ear infections.
What happens to cats suffering from an allergy?
It may cause cats to have a strong itch around the head and neck, a rash or digestive problems.
In that case, what is the difference and what is common to people, cats and dogs suffering from allergies?
Think about it and if you like, write your thoughts about it. You can also draw what an allergic rash can look like. It can be totally imaginary.
TTL Magnifying Glasses for Dentists

Era is a guest at the dentists’ convention
The TTL magnifying glasses are intended for dentists and surgeons to assist in precise work, with integrated ergonomic efficiency.
What are Ergonomics?
A science that deals with human engineering, for the purpose of increasing the convenience, comfort and efficiency of various devices and equipment, and their adaptation to the user – to his body, needs and health.
What is TTL?
TTL stands for Through the Lens. All magnifying glasses using TTL enable the dentist and other surgeons to work comfortably, so that they do not need to tilt their heads to see properly. The doctor maintains the convenient and healthy position of his neck, his posture and perfectly sees the organ he is dealing with, much enlarged.
Admetec Solutions Ltd. is the company that distributes these glasses in Israel, and all other TTL magnifying glasses that are appropriate for the personal use of every doctor. The attached video is the advert for Admetec, and you can see the use of these glasses.